A General question in the software development industry is why use Custom Software Developers instead of going the template route. The short answer is flexibility and complete customization of your software to fit your company’s specific needs.
Custom software development allows our software engineers to sit down with you and your coworkers and pin down exactly what your needs are, what challenges you are facing and what final product you are looking for. We provide advice and guidance along the way to accurately spec your software.
From the design phase you would be able to see exactly how your software will behave and what the user interface would be like; this allows you the opportunity to make final tweaks and changes before we move to development phase. With template software on the other hand you are somewhat stuck with what the template provides and there is no one size fits all. This often results in developers having to write hacks and roundabout solutions which takes longer, costs money and ultimately ends up a mess with what we like to call spaghetti code.